August – Water Quality Month


Water plays such a vital role in all of our lives. Whether you’re drinking from a water bottle or tap, watering your plants, taking a shower, or flushing a toilet, water is a necessity day in and day out. Every August many people all over the world celebrate National Water Quality month, and we think this is a great opportunity to provide important tips to improve the quality of our water!

Drinking water is essential for human survival, and it’s important to make sure that your water is safe to drink. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for ensuring the quality of your water. Keep reading for more information!

How to Improve Water Quality

  • Avoid using pesticides and chemical  Especially during a heavy rainfall, the chemicals will absorb into the ground.
  • Clean up after your pets. This is not only a courtesy to your neighbors and community, but it also can help with water quality. When it rains and pet waste isn’t taken care of, it can enter the storm drains and could potentially enter waterways such as rivers or lakes.
  • Watch what you flush down your  toilet. To avoid clogs and backups, we recommend only flushing toilet paper and human waste. For water quality purposes we advise that you do not flush old medications-this could affect water quality. The FDA advises that you follow their guidelines for drug disposal.
  • Shorten showers. Shorteningyour shower by two minutes each day can save five gallons of water – that’s 35 gallons in a week.

There are many ways water quality could be affected. The tips we listed are just a few ways you could do your part in helping protect the water. When chemical fertilizers, old medications, and paste waste find their way into the water source, they can have a significant impact on water quality. We encourage you to share these tips with family and friends!

The post August – Water Quality Month appeared first on Clear Drain Plumbing Corporation.
