10 Reasons Why You Should Filter Your Own Water


Filtering your own water is easier than it sounds! There are a lot of options for drinking water with hype that surrounds each – tap, bottled, distilled, alkaline, etc. For the everyday consumer it can all get very confusing. But worry not – we are here to help! Let’s take a look at why filtered water is the best choice.

10 Reasons to Filter Your Own Water

  • Drinking water is essential to your health.
  • Filtered water is more affordable than bottled water.
  • Filtered water is healthier than distilled water, alkaline water, and “vitamin” waters.
  • Filtered water tastes better than tap water.
  • Filtered water protects the body from disease and leads to overall better health.
  • Filtered water removes cryptosporidium and giardia from drinking water helping to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal disease by more than 33%.
  • Filtered water is important for children’s developing immune systems.
  • Water filters are the last line of defense between the body and over 2,000 known toxins that your municipalities may not be eliminating.
  • Filtered water is better for the environment than plastic water bottles.
  • Filtered Water improves skin hydration

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