Do You Have Problems With Your Sewer Line?


Modern homes have many “invisible” systems-such as buried cables and underground plumbing that keep things running smoothly without drawing attention to themselves.

It’s great that we don’t have to think about where all of our waste goes, until something goes wrong.

Warning Signs

Here are a few warning signs that you have a problem with your sewer line:


Do you hear a faint gurgle or percolating sound when you flush your toilet? Maybe you hear a noise coming from your toilet when you run another appliance. Don’t just chalk it up to having an old or quirky home-it could be a sign of trouble down below!

Asuddenchangein yourwaterbill

If you discover your monthly water charges are going up despite your water use habits staying the same, it may be a sign of a major leak going on somewhere in your home. If it’s not your sewer line, it could your main water line or something going on behind a wall, so you’ll want to get that checked out right away.


One morning your sink is draining slowly. No worries-you know how handle a small clog. However, once you get going, you find no evidence of any buildup of hair or anything. The drain may eventually clear, but then it will clog again for seemingly no reason. Remember that it’s all drains in your home that are connected to the sewer system, not just your toiletr. So frequent, inexplicable clogs could signal trouble.


If you have a regular clog in your bathtub drain, there’s no logical reason for your sink or toilet to be affected too. But if your bathtub isn’t draining at the same time that your toilet isn’t flushing correctly, it may be a sign that the water is being held back not by a clog, but by a system-wide issue.


This is never a pleasant surprise. If it happens with some regularity, this could be the sign of a faulty valve that’s not doing the job of keeping the city system water out of your home.

Patchesofgrassthatareinexplicablygreenerthantherestofyour yard

If you see a section of your lawn that is much greener than the rest, but there’s no difference in sunlight or watering patterns, this could be a sign it’s getting some extra fertilizer due to an underground sewer line leak.

Unpleasantsmellsinyouryardor basement

This is probably the last and final warning signal, and one you hope you don’t have to reach! If you can smell sewage, you probably have a major rupture on your hand. You’ll want to keep kids and pets out of the area and call a plumber ASAP.

If you suspect you’ve got a sewer line issue, or you’re just noticing a few odd plumbing symptoms that aren’t adding up, give us a call and get peace of mind!

The post Do You Have Problems With Your Sewer Line? appeared first on Clear Drain Plumbing Corporation.
