When Should You Call for Pipe Repair?


Pipe repair is one of the most important plumbing services to consider this fall if you want to reduce your spending on utility bills. It may seem like once your pipes experience problems, you are fated to experience a life full of high plumbing costs, but identifying the signs of a problem may not be so difficult. In fact, it may even just take a closer look around the house to determine if your pipes need professional attention.

We want to remind you that it’s entirely possible to identify warning signs that your home is experiencing pipe problems. Signs may even pop up in ways you didn’t quite expect. The next time you suspect you have plumbing problems, please take note of the following warning signs:

Contaminated Water: Water treatment systems, like water filtration and water softening, will help prevent the risk of contamination. However, if your water is visibly murky even with these system in place, you should definitely call for help before you put your family’s health at risk.

Rusty Spots: Since your pipes are running throughout the entire household, you may sometimes see rust spots in odd places throughout their homes. This usually means you have old and rusting pipes that need to be replaced. Before this makes you spend a considerable amount of money on home restoration, call Clear Drain Plumbing for service immediately.

Unexplained Cracks and Holes: Any visible cracks or holes in piping is immediate means for concern. Older pipes are more at risk for extensive physical damage. The damage can only get worse if you allow it to persist, so don’t pass up the chance to call for help as soon as possible.

Corroded Pipes: Pipes may be visible outside of the house or in some other locations like the basement, which will allow you to see if pipes are indeed corroded.   It’s a sign that pipes inside your home are corroding as well and will need to be replaced immediately before they break apart.

Low Water Pressure: If you are noticing lower water pressure in your pipes, taking showers and dishwashing will prove difficult, especially when water is not at the pressure necessary to wash effectively. This is usually a sign of pipe failure and if you do not act soon enough, your pipes just may fall apart.

Advance Household Age: Though older homes may appeal to the fixer-uppers out there, you may be dealing with the original pipes on the property, which can prove an uphill battle right from the start. The older the house gets, the more likely you will run into problems.

You should definitely consider having a professional taking a look at your home just in case.

Damp Walls and Floors: If you are noticing water stains on their walls or floors, you need to call for pipe leak repair before it results in serious water damage. Allowing water to linger on the walls will only heighten the risk of mold growth, which can take its toll on your indoor air quality.

Outdated Pipes: Homes built before the 1990s may have piping made out of polybutylene, which has been since proven as defective and the source of many lawsuits. Your pipes are also outdated if they are made out of clay or cast-iron, allowing them to break apart quite easily.

Don’t Let Leaky Pipes Drown Our Your Fall Plans  Schedule A Pipe Repair Service Today with Clear Drain Plumbing!

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