Do You Have a Leaky Shower or Bath?


If you’ve been experiencing a leaky shower, you’re not alone. It’s one of the most common plumbing problems in homes across the country. In this blog post, we will discuss what causes leaky showers and how to fix them. We’ll also provide some tips to help prevent this problem from happening in the future.

When water leaks from a shower or bathtub, it can cause damage to framing and to the ceiling in the room underneath, even if you see no sign of it in that bathroom.

What causes water leaks?

Damaging leaks can originate from fixture drains or from water supply plumbing in the wall. Plumbing valves and faucets also leak, and although they don’t present any threat of water damage, they waste water, damage fixtures and generally create an annoyance.

There are several reasons why your shower may be leaking. One of the most common causes is a faulty or damaged shower head. If your shower head is loose, it can cause water to leak from the connection point. Another common cause of leaks is a cracked or damaged shower door. If your shower door is cracked, it can allow water to seep through and cause leaks.

Get in touch with us! If your shower or bath is leaking, the water won’t shut off, or if you need to remodel your shower system, Clear Drain Plumbing will repair or replace the shower system for you!

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